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     Some Business English
and General English materials:

- The Language of Trends - (Advanced)
- Business English Verbs
- Business English Vocabulary
- A Bit More Business English Vocabulary
- Business Collocations and Expressions
- Business Expressions - Logistics and Import/Export
- Easily Confused Verbs - Borrow or Lend 1
- Easily Confused Verbs - Borrow or Lend 2
- Easily Confused Verbs - Rise or Raise 1
- Easily Confused Verbs - Rise or Raise 2
- Easily Confused Verbs - Deduce or Deduct?
- Easily Confused Verbs and Substantives - Assess,Evaluate,Value,Appreciate + noun forms?
- Easily Confused Verbs - Stay, Keep, Remain, Hold, Maintain?
- Choose the correct verb 1
- Choose the correct verb 2
- Easily Confused Verbs - Explore or Exploit
- (Drag and Drop) - Apply to / Apply for
- Although, In spite of, Despite 2
- If, unless
- Even if, Even though, Even so, Even when 1
- Even if, Even though, Even so, Even when 2
- Personal Banking Quiz
- Drag and Drop - Although, Despite, If, Unless, Because of
- Drag and Drop - Business English Verbs
- Drag and Drop - Business English Prepositions 1
- Drag and Drop - Business English Prepositions 2

- Some Basic Vocabulary
- Comparatives
- Superlatives


Social English

- Greetings and appropriate answers
- Some English for restaurants and cafés

Phrasal Verbs

- Some Basic Phrasal Verbs
- Some More Basic Phrasal Verbs
- Yet More Relatively Basic Phrasal Verbs
- Drag and Drop Gap Filling Exercise 1
- Drag and Drop Gap Filling Exercise 2
- Drag and Drop Gap Filling Exercise 3
- Drag and Drop Gap FillingExercise 4
- Drag and Drop Gap FillingExercise 5
- Drag and Drop Matching Exercise 1
- Drag and Drop Matching Exercise 2
- Drag and Drop Matching Exercise 3
- Drag and Drop Matching Exercise 4

Vocabulary Exercises

- Advanced Vocabulary 1
- Advanced Vocabulary 2


- BY or UNTIL? - Problematic Prepositions
- Some Preposition Exercises 1
- Some Preposition Exercises 2
- Some Problematic Prepositions for Portuguese Speakers
- Some uses of IN or AT 1
- Some uses of IN or AT 2
- Some uses of IN or ON 1
- Some uses of IN or ON 2
- Some uses of IN or ON 3
- Some uses of IN or ON 4
- BY or FOR?

Tenses, Moods and Voices

- Present Simple
- Present Simple - Do/Does/Don't/Doesn't
- The Present Continuous Tense
- The Simple Past
- The Past Simple or Past Continuous Tenses
- Irregular Participles (Present Perfect)
- Tense Correction Exercise
- The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- The Passive Voice
- (Drag and Drop) The Passive Voice 1
- (Drag and Drop) The Passive Voice 2
- The Passive Voice

Question Formation

- Indirect Questions 1
- Indirect Questions 2
- Interrogatives

Modal Verbs and Similar

- Modal Verbs 1
- Modal Verbs 2
- Might, Can or Could 1
- Might, Can or Could 2
- Drag and Drop - Mixed Modals 1
- Drag and Drop - Mixed Modals 2
- Drag and Drop - Mixed Modals 3
- Drag and Drop - Mixed Modals 4
- Drag and Drop - Mixed Modals 5


- There is or There are?
- There was or There were?
- Make or Do 1
- Make or Do 2
- Make or Do 3
- Make or Do 4
- Make or Do 5
- As or Like?
- As or Like 1?
- As or Like 2?
- As or Like 3?
- Subjective and Objective Pronouns
- Already, still or yet?
- Already, still, yet, just?
- Compounds of some, any and no
- Grammar Review 1
- Grammar Review 2
- Although, In spite of, Despite 1
- Often confused adverbs
- Few / A Few / Little / A little 1
- Few / A Few / Little / A little 2
- SO or SUCH? 1
- SO or SUCH? 2
- Verbs of Speech
- Lose, Waste or Miss 1
- Lose, Waste or Miss 2
- The problem of Want (to) and Would like (to)
- Idioms with GET
- Remember / Remind / Reminder / Remembrance
- Compounds of Some, Any, No, Every
- Verbs that take either the Gerund or the Infinitive