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Which is the correct verb?

Fill in the gaps with the correct verb from the following list:
hesitate » look » get(2) » leave » hold » have » take » let » put

Make all necessary changes to the verbs. The verb "get" is used twice.
  1. Would you like to ---------- a message?
  2. Can I ---------- a message?
  3. I ---------- forward to hearing from you.
  4. Can you ---------- the line for a moment?
  5. Could you ---------- him to call me as soon as he gets back from lunch?
  6. IŽll ---------- him call you as soon as he gets back from lunch.
  7. IŽll ---------- him to call you as soon as he gets back from lunch.
  8. If you have any further questions, please donŽt ---------- to get in touch.
  9. If you ring the central switchboard, theyŽll ---------- you through to the department you want.
  10. IŽll ---------- him know you called.

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